Beware of Meaningless Studies by Anti-Choice Researchers
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by Joyce
Pro-Choice Press, Autumn/Winter
The May 13 issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal
(CMAJ) featured a research article[1] by
lead author David Reardon and five other anti-choice activists.
The article subtly implies that abortions are dangerous because
statistics show that women who abort have more psychiatric admissions
than women who deliver to term. However, to conclude from this statistic
that abortion causes mental problems is unwarranted and spurious.
In fact, the study is essentially meaningless. It's important to
explain why, because the media can easily misinterpret such data,
and anti-choice groups exploit these studies to support their political
agenda against abortion.
To the journal's credit, it did publish in the same issue an excellent
refutation[2] of Reardon's research
by Dr. Brenda Major, who has a Ph.D in Social Psychology from Purdue
University and is a professor and researcher in the Department of
Psychology at the University of California in Santa Barbara.
As Dr. Major explains in her rebuttal, "It is a fundamental
tenet of science that one cannot infer cause from a correlation
between two variables. Consider, for example, the strong correlation
that exists between the number of bars in a city and the number
of churches in a city. How can we explain this finding? Some may
conclude that religion drives people to drink. Others may conclude
that drinking drives people to religion. The most likely explanation,
however, is that the correlation is spurious, caused by a third
unmeasured variable that is associated both with the number of churches
and the number of bars in a city—such as city size."
Or, the causality could be in the opposite direction. Major says,
"Although it is possible that abortion leads to psychiatric
problems, it is just as plausible that the direction of causality
is reversed, namely, that psychiatric problems cause women who become
pregnant to feel less capable of raising a child and to terminate
their pregnancy." Reardon's study tried to adjust for this
by omitting women who had been admitted for psychiatric care in
the year before the pregnancy. However, Major notes that the authors
did not look at psychiatric admissions prior to that year, nor did
they look at other mental health indicators that might have led
women to choose an abortion.
The most plausible explanation for the observed association between
abortion and mental health problems, according to Major, "is
that it is spurious: it reflects unmeasured differences that existed
before the target pregnancy between the women in the delivery and
the abortion samples." In other words, the life circumstances
of women who continue a pregnancy probably differ significantly
from those of women who abort a pregnancy, and this can impact mental
health. Abortion providers and clinics are everyday witnesses to
the fact that women who seek abortions are, on average, more likely
to be younger, single, have relationship problems, suffer from health
problems, have drug or alcohol abuse problems, or be going through
a difficult or dysfunctional time in their lives, compared to women
who carry to term. For example, pregnant women in abusive relationships
are more likely to have an abortion than pregnant women who are
happily married. It's reasonable to infer that the former are also
more likely to seek psychiatric help—but the reasons probably
relate to their abusive relationship, not the abortion.
Further, Reardon's study did not take into account the marital
status of women who abort versus those who carry to term. Major
points out, "In contrast to women who deliver, women who terminate
a pregnancy are less likely to be married or in an intimate relationship
with their partner. Both of these social factors are associated
with poorer mental health."
Reardon also compared apples to oranges by not taking into account
the "wantedness" of the pregnancy. When selecting comparison
groups for studies, subjects should face similar predicaments with
similar risk factors. But about half of all pregnancies brought
to term are planned and wanted, while almost all abortions result
from unintended pregnancies. Women who choose to deliver are more
likely to feel emotionally and financially capable of raising a
child, and be in a positive frame of mind about it. In contrast,
experiencing an unintended pregnancy is often a traumatic experience,
usually far more upsetting than the abortion itself, which actually
relieves most women. Aside from that, women who experience unintended
pregnancy are more likely to be disadvantaged in some way compared
to women who planned their pregnancies—e.g., they may be less
resourceful, less content, less self-assured, less in control of
their lives for whatever reason. Such factors could explain why
they got accidentally pregnant in the first place, and, they could
also lead to a higher rate of psychiatric admissions later on. Again,
it is the specific disadvantage that may be causing the psychiatric
problem, not the abortion.
Reardon's findings are also inconsistent with some well-designed
earlier studies that compared the psychological reactions of women
who gave birth to those of women who aborted unplanned pregnancies.
These studies concluded that the emotional well-being of women who
abort an unplanned pregnancy does not differ from that of women
who carry a pregnancy to term. Major says, "Reardon and colleagues
cite none of these studies." She also notes that their research
conflicts with that of the American Psychological Association, which
concluded that first trimester abortion is "psychologically
benign" for most women.
Serious research articles should at least acknowledge opposing
evidence, instead of ignoring it. Plus, knowing the difference between
correlation and causation is such a fundamental principle in science
that Reardon's failure to clearly acknowledge it can only be attributed
to a strong political bias against abortion. In fact, every one
of the study's co-authors is a staunch anti-abortionist. Only one
appears to be a working scientist with the proper credentials in
psychology—Dr Priscilla K. Coleman—although one of her
main research focuses is women's responses to induced abortion,
including death and suicide. It's fair to ask whether such a strong
bias on the part of all six authors is appropriate for a research
article in a leading medical science journal.
Lead author David Reardon's only apparent vocation is running an
anti-abortion propaganda mill out of Illinois (The Elliot Institute,
since 1988, although he does have a Ph.D in Social Sciences. The
other co-authors include a psychiatrist and a Family Relations Ph.D,
both of whom specialize in exposing the "dangers" of abortion;
a graduate student in psychology; and a medical doctor. The latter's
affiliation was cited as the "John Bosco Institute." However,
an Internet search revealed that this lofty-sounding place is actually
the St. John Bosco Catechital Institute, a Catholic divinity school.
Not only does such an affiliation have zero relevance to medical
research, the omission of key words indicates a deliberate attempt
to cloak its real nature.
At any rate, the real danger in research articles such as these
is the potential for misinterpretation by the media and misuse by
anti-choice groups. Although the study data may be accurate by itself,
it's the conclusions leapt to that are the problem. Reardon's Elliot
Institute is notorious for publishing research that suggests abortion
is bad for women—but this conclusion does not flow from the
data because of the same biased assumption that "correlation
equals causation".
In subsequent issues, the CMAJ published only one short protest
letter from a pro-choice medical student, but printed several lengthy
anti-choice letters that attacked Major's critique and praised Reardon's
article. This did not reflect the outrage and disappointment of
those in the Canadian pro-choice community, many of whom complained
to the CMAJ because they felt betrayed by what they saw as a breach
of medical ethics by the journal. The purpose of a medical journal
is to advance medicine, not to stir controversy and increase readership—and
in the process impugn abortion practice and harm women.